About the Project
The Town of Warsaw is currently in the process of revising and updating the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range, high-level planning document that addresses topics such as land use, development, community amenities, transportation, housing, and the economy. The plan outlines the community’s long-term vision and strategies to achieve that vision. The policies defined in this document guide the Town’s future direction and priorities for growth, services, and land use regulation.
About the Process
The plan update will be led by the Town’s Planning Commission and Town Council, and will also engage citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders. The current Comprehensive Plan will be evaluated, community information will be updated, and new priorities, goals, and strategies will be established for the county based on input from the participants. An important part of a Comprehensive Plan is public input, so we encourage the citizens of Warsaw to be an active part of this update process by participating in the public workshop, survey, and open house.
The Process Includes
Kickoff with Town Staff, Planning Commission, Town Council – May 17, 2022
Public Survey – Open throughout June and July 2022
Public Input Workshop – June 21, 2022
Three Joint Work sessions with the Planning Commission, Town Council, Town Staff – August 18, 2022; January 2023; April 20, 2023
Public Open House – Summer 2023
Formal Public Hearings and Adoption – Summer 2023
The County has employed the services of The Berkley Group, a Virginia-based local government planning and consulting firm, to assist with this plan update process.
Upcoming Opportunities to Participate
Public input is a crucial component of a Comprehensive Plan update. The Town, in collaboration with The Berkley Group, will collect community input through a public workshop, online survey, and public open house. Check here for updates and opportunities to participate in the process.